Service Agreement


THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between

  • RESEAPRO SCIENTIFIC SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED ("Reseapro"), the Company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act 1956, with its trademark service on manuscript editing carried out through, and existing under the laws of INDIA, with its head office located at: DCB-401,4th Floor,DLF Cyber City, Chandaka Industrial Estate,Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024, Odisha, INDIA,
  • AND
  • Any party, individual or group who will avail the Services of Reseapro through its online service interface , deemed hereinafter to be its "Client".

    The specific purpose of this agreement is to set guidelines/ terms and conditions which both the parties i.e. “Manuscriptedit” and “Editor” will abide by and carry out the functions related to the company according to which Manuscriptedit will send “Confidential informations” that includes manuscripts/documents of its clients to the Editor through its online editing service interface and the Editor will perform the Scientific & English editing of the received manuscripts/documents and return them back to Manuscriptedit within the time limit specified for each assignment based on which the Editor will receive his/her service fees failing which Manuscriptedit will have the right to terminate the contract with Editor at any time.


    For the purpose of this Agreement, Company means “Reseapro manuscriptedit Private Limited” with its head office located at the address DCB-401,4th Floor,DLF Cyber City, Chandaka Industrial Estate,Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024, Odisha, INDIA, and will be referred to hereafter as “manuscriptedit”.The editing service shall be carried out throughout, its trademark service and shall also be referred to as “Manuscriptedit”.

    For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Editor/Writer" shall include the individual who will receive the confidential information’s in the form of study data, manuscripts/documents from Manuscriptedit to do the expert writing/editing work.

    For the purpose of this Agreement, all information’s/ manuscripts/documents provided to the Editor/writer by Manuscriptedit shall be deemed and be treated as “Confidential Information”. “Confidential Information” shall include, but shall not be limited to any manuscript/documents, information, observation, data, written material, record, drawing, photograph, layout, computer program, software, multimedia, invention, discovery, improvement, development, tool, design, work of authorship, logo, promotional idea, customer list, customer need, practice, pricing information, process, concept, formula, method, technology, specifications, manuals, business plans, marketing plans, financial information, market information, technique, trade secret, product and/or research related to the actual or anticipated research development, organization, business or finances of Company, its affiliates or related entities and other information disclosed or submitted, orally, in writing, or by any other media to Editor by Manuscriptedit.

    For the purpose of this agreement, “Writing” will include writing a scientific/medical project from scratch or from a rough draft/outline and /or based on the study data and guidelines provided by manuscriptedit into a well-structured document with smooth flow of ideas, proper tone, correct organization, structure and format it to the desired publication style, add updated reference from published literature, perform statistical analysis, create supporting material such as figures and tables from the study data provided by manuscriptedit.

    For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Editing" shall include Copy-editing, substantive editing, English proofreading, checking the manuscript's English language for spelling, grammar and punctuation, rephrasing, revising sentence structure, improve word choice as well as adjusting the style, camera-ready formatting, target journal formatting, full translation from different languages to English and scientific editing, editing research proposals, journal selection, journal submission, writing response to reviewers, poster creation, editorial support to journal publishers.


    1. The Editor/Writer agrees to do the following on the manuscript: editing a manuscript/ writing a project from scratch or from a rough draft/outline and /or based on the study data and guidelines provided by manuscriptedit into a well-structured document with smooth flow of ideas, proper tone, correct organization, structure and format it to the desired publication style, comprehensive edit, line edit, and copy edit, checking the manuscript's English language for spelling, grammar and punctuation, rephrasing, revising sentence structure, to make it more readable, improve word choice as well as adjusting the style, or camera-ready formatting, target journal formatting, full translation from different languages to English followed by scientific editing, editing research proposals, journal selection, journal submission, writing response to reviewers, poster creation, editorial support to journal publishers.
    2. In cases where the Clients of Manuscriptedit or Authors who submitted manuscripts to Manuscriptedit for writing/editing are not satisfied with the writing/editing standard, the Editor/Writer agrees to do atleast 2 rounds of follow up revision of the manuscript at no additional fee. An additional fee @ 40% discount may be paid to the editor based on the word count of the revised part from the 3rd revision onwards.
    3. The Editor/Writer and its Representatives shall use the Confidential Information solely for the purpose of evaluating a possible transaction or relationship with Manuscriptedit and shall not in any way use the Confidential Information to the detriment of Manuscriptedit.
    4. The obligations of the Editor/Writer herein shall be effective from the date Manuscriptedit last sends/provides/discloses any Confidential Information to Editor/Writer pursuant to this Agreement.
    5. The Editor/Writer must make sure that the final manuscript stays within the agreed word count. If there is any deviation in the word count, the editor should revise it accordingly without receiving extra payment for the additional words.
    6. The expert must adhere to the agreed-upon word count for the assignment as confirmed during the order placement. In the event that the word count falls short, ManuscriptEdit will send it back to the professional for revision or an increase in the word count. In the event that the professional fails to meet the required word count, 50% of their professional fees will be deducted.However, if the client is satisfied with the reduced word count ManuscriptEdit will consider it acceptable and there will be no deduction. It is important to ensure that the word count is met in order to provide the best possible service to our clients.
    7. The expert shall commit to meeting all agreed-upon deadlines for delivering both the first draft and final draft of the manuscript. Failure to meet these deadlines shall result in proportional deductions from the payment.
    8. Meeting deadlines is extremely important for ManuscriptEdit and our clients. Please prioritize delivering the work on time. If you consistently miss the deadlines, ManuscriptEdit will take appropriate actions.
    9. The Editor/Writer should acknowledge all emails received from ManuscriptEdit promptly to ensure effective communication. This will help us keep track of the progress of the assignment and meet the deadlines efficiently.


    1. Editor/Writer agrees that the Confidential Information is to be considered confidential and proprietary to Manuscriptedit and Editor/Writer shall hold and maintain the same in strictest confidence, shall not use the Confidential Information in any manner whatsoever other than for the purposes of its business with Manuscriptedit, Editor/Writer will not disclose, publish or otherwise reveal any of the Confidential Information received from Manuscriptedit to any other party whatsoever.
    2. Confidential Information furnished in tangible/intangible form shall not be duplicated by Editor/Writer except for purposes of this Agreement. Editor/Writer shall not disclose, divulge or pass on the information to any third person and shall not use the information for his own work or for personal gain unconnected with the manuscriptedit’s work. Upon completion of the work within the time limit specified by manuscriptedit, Editor/Writer shall return all manuscript received electronically or tangible form, including copies, or reproductions or other media containing such Confidential Information, within 7 days of completion of editing work.
    3. Editor/Writer hereby acknowledges that manuscriptedit has made, or may make, available to Editor/Writer certain manuscript/document, customer lists, pricing data, supply sources, techniques, computerized data, maps, methods, product design information, market information, technical information, benchmarks, performance standards and other confidential and/or Proprietary Information of, or lice nsed to, the Company or its clients/customers, including without limitation, trade secrets, inventions, patents, and copyrighted materials (collectively, the “Confidential Material”).
    4. Editor/Writer acknowledges that this information has independent economic value, actual or potential, that is not generally known to the public or to others who could obtain economic value from their disclosure or use, and that this information is subject to a reasonable effort by Manuscriptedit to maintain its secrecy and confidentiality. The Editor/Writer shall not make any disclosure of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement, or any of the Confidential Material and confidential information. Except as essential to Editor/Writer 's obligations pursuant to their relationship with the Manuscriptedit, Editor/Writer shall not make any duplication or other copy of the Confidential Material.
    5. Editor/Writer further promises and agrees not to solicit Customers or potential Customers of Manuscriptedit, after the termination of this Agreement, while making use of Manuscriptedit’s Confidentiality Material.
    6. All rights, title, and interest of every kind and nature whatsoever in and to the confidential, Proprietary Information / documents, materials, made, written, discussed, developed, shared, secured, obtained or learned by Editor/Writer from Manuscriptedit during the term of the relationship with Manuscriptedit, shall be the sole and exclusive property of Manuscriptedit for 5 years immediately following termination of that relationship, for any purpose or use whatsoever, and shall be disclosed promptly by Editor/Writer to Manuscriptedit. The covenants set forth in the preceding sentence shall apply regardless of whether any confidential Propriety Information/document, material is made, written, discussed, developed, shared, secured, obtained or learned (a) solely or jointly with others, (b) during the usual hours of work or otherwise,(c) at the request and upon the suggestion of Manuscriptedit or otherwise, (d) with Manuscriptedit’s materials, or (e) on Manuscriptedit's premises/ online interface or otherwise.
    7. Further, the obligation not to disclose shall not be affected by bankruptcy, receivership, assignment, attachment or seizure procedures, whether initiated by or against Editor/Writer, nor by the rejection of any agreement between Manuscriptedit and Editor/Writer, by a trustee of Editor/Writer in bankruptcy, or by the Editor/Writer as a debtor-in-possession or the equivalent of any of the foregoing under local law.


    1. For the purpose of this agreements which include confidential information & confidential material, all electronic manuscripts/documents editing will be done using the “Track changes” option in the Microsoft Word or using marks on a paper version of the manuscript unless otherwise agreed in writing.
    2. When using track change, the editor/writer will use his/her initials as his/her username instead of his/her full name. For example, if the editor/writer’s name is Steven Smith, he should use SS as his username so that it will be known that SS has edited/written the paper.
    3. The Editor/Writer will ensure to complete the editing job within the due date and time indicated in his/her account or informed by Manuscriptedit at the time of assigning the work, and return the edited version and marked copy to Manuscriptedit within the due date and time using the Manuscriptedit’s online service interface
    4. The right to determination of due date and time of returning the edited manuscript/document by the Editor/Writer to Manuscriptedit lies only with Manuscriptedit and cannot be changed by Editor/Writer in any way whatsoever. Before assigning online, Reseapo will send an inquiry mail if the editor is available to take up the assignment.
    5. The editor is free to either accept or decline the assignment. If the editor accepts the assignment, it will then be assigned online and treated as an assignment confirmed.
    6. After an assignment is confirmed through the steps as detailed above, the editor has the obligation to complete the work within the deadline. If the work is not completed within the deadline, Manuscriptedit is free to withheld payment for the assignment.
    7. Manuscriptedit shall assign work for editing/writing to the Editor/Writer through its online service interface . Editor/Writer shall be eligible to receive works through the service interface only if he/she has a registered account with The editor can login through the said account and is eligible to keep in contact with Manuscriptedit through Before assigning the work online, manuscriptedit will contact the Editor/writer by email with details of the assignment including fees for the work.


    1. Editor/Writer acknowledges that all works of Editing/writing performed for Manuscriptedit are subject to Company’s direction and control and that such works constitute a work for hire.
    2. All the manuscripts/documents received, developed, improved, edited, shared, created, invented, devised, conceived or discovered by Editor/Writer under this agreement are explicitly considered by Editor/Writer and Manuscriptedit to be “works made for hire” and the property of Manuscriptedit.
    3. The payment received by Editor/Writer for the editing will be treated as “fees for service rendered” and will not be treated as “salary” or remuneration.
    4. Neither Editor/Writer nor any of their agents or principals shall become or be deemed to be a partner, employee or agent of or with Manuscriptedit or any of its affiliates or related companies or businesses by reason of this Agreement or his/her relationship with Manuscriptedit unless set forth in a separate written agreement signed and dated by the parties.


    1. At Manuscriptedit, we have a strict policy on plagiarism and do not tolerate any form of it. While we understand that a certain level of similarity may exist in some cases, we expect our Editors to maintain originality in their work, and limit the similarity to not more than 20% for any written content. The Editor is expected to avoid all forms of plagiarism while working on the project. Ifany instance of plagiarism is identified, the Editor will be given one chance to reduce it to the acceptable limit, failing which the Editor will be liable to compensate for any loss incurred as a result. In such a circumstance, the management reserves the right to deduct up to 50% of the Editor's payment. The Editor acknowledges the gravity of plagiarism and shall take all necessary steps to ensure that their work is original and free from any form of plagiarism.

    7. AI generated text

    1. The use of any form of AI tool such as ChatGPT, Bing Ai, etc. is strictly prohibited in all submitted materials. Any instance of AI-generated text found within the submitted work will result in non-payment of associated fees. We value originality and authenticity in all submissions, and any violation of this policy will be treated with the utmost seriousness.

    8. Quality Assurance and Rectification Clause

    Verification of Quality Concerns:

    Upon the submission of a confirmed order, if the client raises issues regarding the quality of the work provided by the editor, the payment to the editor will be withheld until such concerns are verified.

    Rectification Obligations:

    Post-Payment Rectification:
    If the payment has already been made and the quality issues are found to be within the scope of the project terms initially agreed upon, the editor is obligated to rectify these issues at no additional cost.
    Refund Requirement:
    If the editor refuses to carry out the necessary rectifications, they will be required to refund the full amount of the project payment.

    Legal Consequences:

    In the event that the editor refuses to rectify the identified issues or to refund the payment, they will be subject to legal consequences as deemed appropriate by the company.

    This clause ensures the maintenance of quality standards and provides a clear procedure for addressing any disputes related to the quality of work delivered by the editors.


    This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of INDIA and Editor/Writer consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India only for any dispute arising out of this Agreement. Editor agrees that in the event ofany breach or threatened breach by Editor/Writer , Manuscriptedit may obtain, in addition to any other legal remedies which may be available, such equitable relief as may be necessary to protect Manuscriptedit against any such breach or threatened breach.


    Editor/Writer hereby acknowledges (1) the unique nature of the protections and provisions set forth in this Agreement , (2) t hat Manuscriptedit will suffer irreparable harm if Editor/Writer breaches any of said protections or provisions, and (3) that monetary damages will be inadequate to compensate Manuscriptedit for such breach. Therefore , if Editor/Writer breaches any of such provisions, then Manuscriptedit shall be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other remedies at law or equity, to enforce such provisions.


    This agreement may be terminated by either party in the event of material change of circumstance, with 15 days' notice sent in writing in any form either electronically or in hard copy to the other party at the address shown below. On termination of the agreement, the Editor/Writer will be paid by the Manuscriptedit for work done up to the date of termination and in that event the Editor/Writer shall have to return all manuscripts , documents, agreement, all copies of confidential instruments with him/her.

    This agreement between Manuscriptedit and the Editor/Writer shall remain in force and effective at all times. In the event of any breach of the terms and conditions of this agreement by the Editor/Writer, Manuscriptedit reserves the right to terminate the agreement forth with 15 days notice in writing to the Editor/Writer. The Editor/Writer shall within the said period of 15 days, return to Manuscriptedit all manuscripts, documents, agreement, all copies of confidential instruments with him/her.

    Manuscriptedit shall in such event of termination of the agreement, pay the Editor/Writer his/her fees outstanding if any until the date of termination. For the purpose of this agreement, fees shall be understood as has been specified in Clause 9 of this agreement


    In the event of any disputes, differences or claims whatsoever arising out of this agreement between parties, the parties will endeavor to settle them amicably by mutual discussion. Failing such amicable settlement, the disputes, differences or claims whatsoever shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996.The arbitration shall be held in Bhubaneswar, India. The language of arbitration shall be English and the arbitral award shall be final and binding on both the parties. The arbitration proceedings will be held before the sole Arbitrator appointed by Manuscriptedit. Any arbitration award will be final and binding on the parties. This agreement (including its jurisdiction clause) shall be governed by, construed and take effect in accordance with the laws of India.


    For a period of 3 YEAR, following the termination of the relationship with the Manuscriptedit, Editor/Writer shall not, directly or indirectly, make known to any person, firm or corporation the names or addresses of any of the customers of Manuscriptedit or any other information pertaining to them, or call on, solicit, take away, or attempt to call on, solicit, or take away any customer of Manuscriptedit on whom Editor/Writer called or with whom Editor/Writer became acquainted during the time of this Agreement, for either itself or for any other person, firm, or corporation


    This Agreement does not create any form of continued business relationship other than as set forth in this agreement, which is agreed by both parties and a copy is signed by Editor/Writer and returned/submitted to Manuscriptedit by Fax, or scanned copy by e-mail or the original by airmail or any other means of communication.

    THAT it is understood by both parties that for the purpose of this agreement, Manuscriptedit has by default agreed to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, and that the agreement will be treated as "Agreed by both parties" on agreement of Editor/Writer and submission of his signed copy to Manuscriptedit by fax, e-mail attachment or airmail.

    This Agreement terminates and supersedes all prior understandings or agreements on the subject matter hereof


    This Agreement expresses the full and complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous proposals, agreements, representations and understandings, whether written or oral, with respect to the subject matter. This Agreement is not, however, to limit any rights that Manuscriptedit may have under trade secret, copyright, patent or other la ws that may be available to Manuscriptedit. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing signed by each of the parties to the Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed as to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against either party. The headings hereof are descriptive only and not to be construed in interpreting the provisions hereof.

    In order to protect the copyright of the creative work and research results of author and clients of Manuscriptedit from plagiarism and other unlawful uses, the Editor/Writer understands the purpose of this agreement and that by signing this agreement, he/she agrees to abide by the agreement from the date of signing.

    Manuscriptedit shall assign work for editing/writing to the Editor/Writer through its online service interface . Editor/Writer shall be eligible to receive works through the service interface only if he/she has a registered account with The editor can login through the said account and is eligible to keep in contact with Manuscriptedit through Before assigning the work online, manuscriptedit will contact the Editor/writer by email with details of the assignment including fees for the work.

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